'生不帶來死不帶走' Official Music Video|JSHEON
「 I’m gonna blow it all til one day I go broke 反正我生不帶來死也帶不走 」
死亡前夕,一切凝結在車子墜落的瞬間, 隨著J.Sheon 瀟灑的浮空、緩緩降落,鏡頭轉場到了死亡的當刻 : 車子早已失控墜落。這支 MV 聚焦於「人生無常」將生死之間的張力濃縮成幾分鐘的影像,遊走在危險邊緣的視覺語言和動作場景展現一個活得灑脫的態度,從靈魂出竅到坦然面對死亡,讓每一幀畫面感受「反正最後都一樣,何不瘋狂一場」的生命宣言。
'BROKE' Official Music Video|JSHEON
The music video captures the essence of the saying, "You’re born with nothing, and you leave with nothing."
In the final moments before death, time freezes as a car plunges. J. Sheon floats weightlessly, his soul detached and calmly descending. The scene then transitions to the inevitable—a wrecked car, a stark reminder of life's fragility.This music video distills the impermanence of life into a bold visual narrative. It combines daring, high-stakes imagery with a fearless embrace of mortality. Every frame resonates with the message: "If life gives you nothing to take with you, why not live on your own terms?