'你給我等著' Official Music Video|婁峻碩

「夢中的旋律,現實的浪漫 」

某天,一位婁峻碩的粉絲在Instagram上發了一篇貼文,內容超級夢幻:她夢見了一首歌:“慵懶的夏末,吉普車沿著海岸前行,峻碩坐在引擎蓋上,間奏還彈著吉他…太帥了吧!”更讓人驚訝的是,她甚至把夢裡的歌詞和旋律都描述得一清二楚!當婁峻碩看到這篇貼文時,忍不住笑說:“欸~我並沒有這首歌耶” 但!創作力MAX的峻碩馬上翻出Beats,靈感噴發,迅速完成了這首粉絲夢中的歌曲,把夢境變成了現實。


這次我們還用了超經典的ARRI 416攝影機,以及全片使用16mm電影來捕捉這一切。最驚艷的是,拍攝當天正值千載難逢的彗星日,伴隨颱風前夕的火燒雲壯麗登場。魔幻的色彩在濃厚的底片層次中唯美展現,每一幀畫面都像是一幅會動的夢。

'waiting 4 me' Official Music Video|SHOU

A Dreamy Melody, Captured on Film.

One day, a fan of SHOU shared an Instagram post describing a vivid dream of a song. Inspired by her words, SHOU turned the dream into reality, creating a track that brought her vision to life.

The MV was shot entirely on 16mm film using the iconic ARRI 416 camera, delivering rich, nostalgic visuals. With a rare comet streaking across the sky and fiery clouds before a typhoon, the magical colors blended perfectly into the film’s texture. Every frame feels like a moving dream.

It’s a song from a dream, made timeless in film.