【ACER PURE】意想不到的空氣淨化英雄:空氣循環清淨機網路廣告
代理商 CD 給我們這任務的第一句話是:「我們要做一則不像廣告的廣告,要有滿滿的網感」
我們以輕鬆幽默的方式,透過電影般的奇幻場景,跳脫一般的廣告選角到 3D 特效、配音的設計為觀眾帶來視覺與創意的雙重衝擊,讓人對 ACER 進軍空氣清淨機家電市場有著耳目一新的話題帶動。故事從一個無趣的日常開始,主角百無聊賴的生活忽然被一則廣播打破:「ACER 竟然推出了空氣清淨機?」這一瞬間,主角幻想著筆電是否真的具備了淨化空氣的神奇功能。隨著想像展開,主角低頭發現手中的筆電竟然變身為一台高科技空氣清淨機!周圍的世界也跟著轉變,瞬間化為一座縮小版的城市,場景中充滿了日本特攝片風格的視覺元素。
廣告透過誇張且富有動漫超現實風格,主角與 ACER PURE 空氣清淨機合體化身勇者,對戰象徵空氣污染的「貓毛怪獸」發揮大招,消滅過敏源。
【ACER PURE】The Unexpected Hero of Air Purification: Air Purifier Online Ad
The most creative task is: "Make an ad that doesn't feel like an ad, it looks like a "Viral video"! And the result? Over 3 million views and widespread buzz across platforms.
The commercial uses humor and cinematic fantasy, with creative casting, 3D effects, and voiceover, to capture attention. It introduces ACER's new air purifier in a fresh way, blending imaginative visuals with storytelling. The plot begins with a dull day interrupted by a radio announcement: "ACER launched an air purifier?" The protagonist imagines their laptop transforming into a high-tech purifier, and the world around them turns into a miniature city with Tokusatsu-inspired visuals.
Merging with the ACER PURE, the hero battles the "Cat Fur Monster," symbolizing air pollution. Bold, humorous, and visually striking, the ad highlights ACER PURE's powerful features, leaving a lasting impression with its creative, out-of-the-box narrative.